Then, on Saturday, Brennan and I had a long awaited date to CBC's live taping of "The Debaters" at the Winnipeg Comedy Festival. It's a show where two comedians debate on ranging topics with one comedic mediator. This Saturday we saw 6 debates (which will be aired as 3 different shows) with topics like - "Stay at Home Dads - are they real men?" and "Curling - is it a real sport". Brennan is a HUGE fan of CBC and listens to the show regularly. I bought him tickets to the taping for Christmas but it was almost like a birthday present for him since his birthday was just last month.
And to end the weekend, we had a fabulous opportunity to share in a friend's baptism at church and a great lunch afterward. What was one of the coolest parts of the whole thing was that in her testimony/story, she shared that God used a bunch of conversations between her, Brennan, and myself to really challenge and grow her. Now, I am always amazed at the amazing beauty of the Holy Spirit power in the midst of a verbal proclamation of Christ through baptism, but it's beyond what I can describe to know that God used something that I (and Brennan) might have said or done. It is just SO honoring!! And it was a huge confirmation that our ministry at Cedarwood touches lives in those that have heard the Gospel once or twice but also in those that have heard it thousands of times. We have the awesome honor (I really don't know what other word to use) of playing a role in growing people for Christ - our campers AND our staff!! And I know because I was one of them!! God used Cedarwood to break me of my need for anyone or anything but Him. He brought me there to a place of complete loneliness to remind me that I am NEVER alone! What an AMAZING God we serve!!! And then, to top it off, God glorified Himself further at the lunch afterward by allowing us to have a recruiting conversation for a position we have much need to fill - male counselor/radio host. It was beautiful!!
Caden got to go into Silver City Movie Theater with Brennan when he had to buy some tickets. He had never been in the theater before and he was quite enthralled with the gigantic movie displays. In fact, he was so impressed with the fist of the Iron Man character, he pounded it with him.
And then, on the ride home...yup, that's his first Slurpee.
What can I say? Like mother, like son. I'm so proud!! :)
What can I say? Like mother, like son. I'm so proud!! :)
It was a great weekend. Full of laughs, craziness, and TONS of opportunities for us to say:
Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods?
Who is like you, majestic in holiness,
awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?
Who is like you, majestic in holiness,
awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?
- Exodus 15:11
NO ONE I'd say!!!
NO ONE I'd say!!!