Here are just a few lessons I have learned from these changes over the past few months:
a) God is INCREDIBLY gracious about walking His people through changes in life.
b) God is even more gracious in changing His people in those changes in life.
c) God has blessed us with amazing friends, family, and church family who support us through changes.
d) I am only human...and a sinful one at that.
Now, some of these lessons may seem redundant to you, especially point (d) but it has been increasingly overwhelmingly in my face - I AM HUMAN...and GOD IS NOT!!! Praise God for this truth. It's a relief to me that since I can't do everything, fix everything, or be everything anyway, I can go to my Maker who can, does, and is! What a relief! Isn't it funny how God teaches you new lessons in old ones?
I am pretty sure I have said this before and I know I have learned this lesson before, but this time I am learning that it applys to a new chapter in my life - being a mother of 3. I am blessed in that I have never struggled with postpartum depression, but I can't say that I haven't struggled with sleep deprived hormonal roller coasters resulting in bursts of frustration, tears, or hysteric laughter over something that isn't all that funny. It's pretty crazy, I know! And yet, I feel like I truly cannot control it. Any of it! That, to me, is the worst of it. There are times when these emotions come on that I can't get a grip! In my head, I can walk through it all very logically and even talk through it (or write about it) as if I am disconnected. And then, in some moments...KABOOM - emotion explodes like a balloon that was blown too big and had no where to go but into pieces.
And yet, through it all, I have AMAZING people who live with me and love me still - a husband who is SO forgiving; kids who give great hugs; a mom who supports in every moment, no matter how ugly; a sister who challenges me to be Christ-like (probably without even knowing she is); and the list goes on with people I DON'T live with and yet love in moments - facebook messages, emails, phone calls, food deliveries, visits, and coffee dates :) My life is richer because I face change and REALLY do life with these people!
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.
-1 John 4:7
-1 John 4:7