
I have honestly done my very best not to complain - primarily online. I see those that complain on Facebook or through blogs as just not using their time and online voice appropriately. But, I have allowed myself this today - I am jumping on the "complain through my blog" bandwagon!! You see, moving is HARD! I have two small children, I am 4 months pregnant, and moving is H-A-R-D!!! I have been blessed with an amazing husband who has taken on most of the moving load plus who has been the brunt of my moody moments and moving in with my Mom and sister has helped in that they have been HUGE supports, although they also have at times been the receivers of "the moods of Rhonda". And, on our actual moving day my dear Mother-in-law was on hand to take our kids for the whole day so we could actually get work done without little people under foot...but all of this said - MOVING IS HARD!!! And tiring. And frustrating. AND overwhelming. And I have felt a few times that I might be at the very end of my tether...about ready to SNAP!! It is only by the absolute mercy of my Father that, in His kindness, He has seen fit to give me what I need when I need it; to offer me compassion even when I don't offer it to others; to see me in those dark moody moments and remind me of my salvation that was brought about by the darkest of moments on the cross of Christ. And so my complaining of how hard moving is is really a reminder of how big and sovereign and endless is the love of Christ.
And, for those that are tired of my moods or ranting, here are some before pictures of our new house! The after pictures will come...after! :)

The 1st shot is from the dining room looking into the living room. The 2nd is the office. The 3rd is looking from the dining room into the foyer and up the stairs.

The 2 views of the living room. The 1st shot is look towards the front of the house; the 2nd is toward the back.

The views of the kitchen. The top two are looking at the back door; the bottom is looking from the back door into the kitchen.

Annabelle's room is/will be the one on the left (it is no longer that color) and Caden's room is the one on the right (it did stay blue).

This will be the baby's nursery/play room for the kids.

Our master bedroom and the view out our big bay window
(the water you see is a wading pool that has been filled by rain. It is only one of two soft-bottom pools in the city - so I have been told).

This is the 700 square foot loft that is currently being renovated into 2 bedrooms and a 4 piece bathroom for my Mom and Jasmine. When it's all done, it will be GORGEOUS!!

So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him.
- 2 Corinthians 5:9


Wow, I love the new place!!! It's gorgeous. Can't wait to see the after pictures. Have fun settling in. Moving usually brings out my worst too. I hate the process, but the after is always the thing I try to keep in view.


Absolutely beautiful. Yay for new homes and blank slates! Yuck for boxes.


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