Aviation Fun

On Saturday last week, we visited the Western Canadian Aviation Museum for our family day. Brennan and I had never been there before so it was very cool to experience the greatness and awe that the kids experienced, especially Caden.

This was Annabelle's first glimpse of the place. She was very intrigued.

Caden touching the wing of one of the planes. I'm not sure if that was allowed or not.

Caden and Brennan doing their versions of a salute.

Both Annabelle and Caden were VERY impressed with the big planes that filled the hangar.

We are very excited to do a lesson on planes once we start home-schooling. There is SO much to learn!

What an adventure!

And then...PLAY TIME! The second floor of the museum is a play area and observation deck. It was VERY cool.

The kids got to be pilots....


...air traffic controllers...

...and just kids having fun!

It was a great day!


looks like fun. I think you have inspired me to take our kids there. Are you living in Winnipeg now? We should get together.


we have had a few fun days there. paper airplanes are fun to do. try making a few different ones then measure how far they fly. predict which design will be the best flyer, trickster etc... also for you (as your kids are too young... check out thetoymaker.com for some printable paper models toys)


I love that museum! Rhys and Ammie had tons of fun there too. We went right before Halloween and they had all sorts of pirates hanging up everywhere...Caden would have loved it!


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